The idea of DevOps is quite clear. It implies that the development, testing, and operation of the software should go in a single process with the same direction to achieve a consistent result. To be more precise, DevOps improves the reaction speed, lessens IT systems release time, and allows various professionals to openly communicate during the process. And these are not the only reasons why you need to work with DevOps: (DevOps Processes)
Improves release speeds
When working with DevOps, plenty of processes can be automated, which significantly lessens the production time. Thus, it is possible to release an application quicker. Also, that helps with the errors fixing because DevOps contributes to the flexibility of the processes, which means it can respond to changes without any significant inconsistencies. And that also adds to the release speed.
Facilitates testing
With DevOps, you don’t need to write code manually because it is transferred automatically. And that allows you to avoid human errors, which can impact testing significantly.
Efficiently responds to changes, bug fixes, and updates
With the traditional development approach, it might be hard to eliminate all bugs and mistakes because it takes time to notify and report them. Also, those mistakes can evolve in various stages, including development and testing. And that takes even more time because teams work on their own and detect bugs from their fields of work.
With DevOps that all can be escaped because it uses automated monitoring systems that send error reports regardless of the working field. That significantly facilitates the development process and contributes to consistent results.